flower binding machine

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    * This binding machine can be used as a packaging machine for finish or half finished product ties (binding and bundles) using by elastic rubber thread.
    * It’s possible to binding Ø10 ~ Ø130mm product after changed elastic rubber diameter depending on product.
    * It can be help increasing work efficiency due to fast drive.
    * Easy binding counting for production quantity by installed counter.
    * Easy to move and install depending on work place.

    * Model : TD-01
    * Standard Electric Voltage : 200~230V, 50~60Hz
    * Machine size : 420mm x 450mm x 67mmL
    * Machine net weight : 31kgs

    Apply for binding flowers, Packing units such as Gloves, Wires, Hangers, and other
    manufactured goods of industrial products are available.
    Used rubber thread : Ø1mm, Ø1.5mm, Ø2mm    Select suitable thickness depending on packaging product.
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